Thursday, May 26, 2011

Steps and Mud Training

Since I am running in some type of ridiculous race next weekend (Warrior Dash), I thought it would be appropriate to do a little mud running and step training. Since I cannot ride anyhow due to the fact that everything is so damn muddy, I thought I could take advantage of the mud and get a little workout in. After gearing up, (headphones and bandana), I made the trip over to Alum Creek, did a little stretching, and then started out on a little jaunt around the trails. Let's just say, running in mud is not much easier than riding in it. Keeping your footing through muddy ruts, roots, and hills just isn't a lot of fun. After a couple of miles, I bailed on the run, got back to the truck and made the trek over to the Dam to run the steps. Have I ever mentioned I hate running the steps? I do! Anyhow, I hit the hill and did 8 sets of up and downs and even through in a backwards run up the hill. Yeah, I know, sounds tough. It is! Imagine running backwards like a defensive  back, now add a hill, and oh yeah, wet grass! Painful, but awesome for the legs! Unfortunately, it was a little tough to get out of bed the next day, and going down a flight of steps in my house was a bear, but it WILL be worth it. I WILL finish the race next weekend! And I WILL have fun. Now if only I could find a cargo net to climb over......

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